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Beginning of my weight loss journey (week 1)

Well, I think it's time for me to get control of my life and live healthier, and cleanse my body as well as getting some weight off.I am currently at 150 lbs and I am 5'2".I would like to lose 30 pounds.I have been doing alot of research on the clean eating diet, and I am totally on board!I thought I would share my great ideas, and how I plan to stay on trackSo this is what I have been doing :

1.Make a meal plan for the week and make sure you add what snacks you will eat throughout the week in order for you to have ready made snacks available to grab and eat(seriously, we will fail if we don't and grab something quick and not so healthy otherwise).

2.Allow one day a week to prepare meals for the rest of the week.Every Monday I make all the snacks I will have throughout the week and some meals.This week on Monday, I made homemade applesauce and sweetened it with honey and added a dew dashes of cinnamon),a few hard boiled eggs(in the oven) I also cooked beans (black bean, navy, pinto and kidney), I chopped up fruit(bananas, mangoes, and pineapple)and froze them for smoothies, and made homemade vegetable broth, and corn and potato chowder as well as kale soup to have throughout the week(you can put the soup in small individual containers and freeze so you will have soup anytme you want)

3.Drink ALOT of water!I carry a reusable cup with a lid and straw attached and try to drink the whole thing every hour in order to get my 8 glasses  day.If I get bored with regular water, I just add 1/2 a lemon and no sugar or sweetener.If you prefer, you can add stevia or any other sweetener but I prefer not since most are not good for you.

4.Exercise:)I know it can suck but my plan is to do a 15 minute workout around morning and in the evening.It works best for me since I have two boys and it's not particularly easy to find someone to watch them.So my 15 minute workout consists of this:jogging for 10 minutes in the house,20 crunches,50 jumping jacks,10 pushups and a 30 second plank.This is on a usual day.I have been trying to mix it up in order to not get bored with it and if the honey is home, I  will go for a nice run while he watches the kids.

5.Be smart when eating outside the house.I don't normally eat out fast food or restaraunts so that is no temptation but when eating at friends houses or at a potluck.I plan to eat the size of a child's plate, and if I absolutely have to eat that cake, I will eat half a slice to cut the calories.

6.Download this incredible app!"Calorie counter"...I absolutely love this app.You can track your calories, food, and exercise throughout the day. It gives a healthy weight loss plan, and tells you how many calories you should be consuming.It also has healthy snacks,lunch and dinner meals and a community forum for others trying to lose weight,live healthy,lose 10,20,30 pounds,etc.I promise you will not be sorry!

So here is my menu for the week:
Breakfast-blueberry waffles              
                 pumpkin smoothie                       
                 apple oatmeal                               
                 peach oatmeal                               
                 blueberry oatmeal                         
snacks-string cheese                                                                                                               
             mixed nuts                                                
             cucumber/carrots(homemade ranch)
             chips/homemade salsa
Dinner-chicken,black bean,brown rice casserole
             Chicken tacos
            chicken caesar sandwich w/ roasted cauliflower
            roasted potato/ corn chowder
            homemade pizza
            Tilapia,baked potato,sauteed zucchini
            Kale soup
I will be posting recipes and pictures from this week.


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